Monday, June 11, 2007

Recap for the Weekend

As weekends go, I thought that this last weekend was a great one. It started out Friday morning with Gretchen and I going on a mid day date. We went to Ocean's 13 (4 stars out of 5) then went to Chili's in Redlands for lunch. After almost 20 years of marriage I still enjoy going on date's with my wife. We just enjoy each others company - so it is always great to get some one-on-one time with each other.

You can read my post about my Saturday morning and afternoon. Saturday evening we went with David, Lisa, Jerry and Judy to the Cherry Festival. WHAT A BLAST (5 out of 5 stars). We had great food and fun just walking around and spending time together.

SUNDAY was great. Our Bible Fellowship Ministry seemed to go really great. We launced a new ladies department (S.O.S. Single on Sunday). Thanks to Norma, Sallie, Brande and Amee it was a great success. Then we had a meeting with our Blended Families Department to discuss how to launch a new department by the end of summer. I will keep you posted on how that goes. It really looks like more than a department will come of that meeting.

My own class was GREAT!!! The lesson really spoke to me (before, during and after). I really felt the class begin to gel together. GOOD TIMES ARE AHEAD.


gretch said...

I had a great time too those dates and just spending time with you. I love you!

Mark Rush said...

Right back at you!