Friday, June 12, 2009

Christ's sacrifice

I am reading a book titled Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross. It is a book that is editd by Nancy Guthrie and is a compilation of essays from writers like John MacArthur, James Boice, and John Piper. It walks the reader through the crucifixion of Christ through His resurrection, exposing biblical facts about both. Some of these facts I have known for some time, but there are others that I have never realized. Funny how you can read through scripture many times and never see something.

One of the things that was of interest to me was that the only time Jesus personnaly referred to His Father as God (even though it was personal because he declared My God, My God) was on the cross. To me this show the depth of what He was going through to make salvation posisble. Another thing brought to my attention was that of the last seven words Jesus spoke while on the cross, four were direct quotes from the Old Testament. This demonstrates that even in His last hours He was focused on fulfilling His purpose.

All of these things are great, but the greatest thing the book brings to light is the power of the crucifixion. That is not something I needed to be reminded of, but something that is always good to study. Letting that continually soak in is always a good thing because it is a GREAT reminder of the love He has for me. It is also an example and reminder of the love I am to have for others.

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