Thursday, August 02, 2007

Coming your way this fall

I just got done writing my article for the Good News Newsletter that will be coming out in the next few weeks. It highlights some things coming to our church this fall. I will say that this has been an incredible summer and it is not over yet. I really believe that it has set the stage for what could be one of our best fall seasons ever. I am going to put the letter in this post - because I am not sure who reads or receives the newsletter.

We have a very exciting fall coming our way! There are several events that you will not want to miss but I want to take this time to highlight three of them.

The first event coming our way is our In-N-Out 2007 attendance promotion on August 19. Everyone attending a Bible Fellowship Class on that day will receive a free In-N-Out burger with chips and a drink. Our goal on that day is to have 2,007 people in attendance in our Bible Fellowship Ministry. With some work, this goal is very possible.

I am praying that you will get into the spirit of this event by getting your class to invite people to attend. I just believe that if we put our best effort forward God will reward our work!

The second event is our Walk Thru the Bible Seminar, Sunday, September 9. This conference will change your life and the lives you touch forever. Using hand motions, catch phrases, and group review, you’ll understand the Old Testament like never before. It will rekindle your desire to read the Bible and pray daily. You will be amazed at what you will accomplish:

  1. Grasp the special messages and meanings of Old Testament characters, themes, places, and events.
  2. Integrate your knowledge of all 39 books, 929 chapters, and 23,214 verses.
    Meet key Bible characters up close and personal.
  3. Trace major geographical movements on a giant map made up of the people attending the seminar.

This seminar is designed for you and everyone in your department/class!

  • Adults, teenagers, and children
  • Mature believers who want to keep learning and growing in their faith
  • New believers who want a foundation on which to build a lifetime of Bible learning
  • Those searching to discover the depth of God’s love for them
You can begin registering for this event which will take place Sunday, September 9 by calling the church office or in the pavilion beginning Sunday, August 5 or online at Cost for the event is $15 for each person with a $50 family maximum. Everyone who attends the AM services on September 9 will get a free preview. The seminar will start at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 9. Please call the church office or come by the pavilion for more information.

The third event is 24/7 Prayer Week and takes place September 16-23. This is a time when we come together as a church family and pray in an uninterrupted chain for one whole week. I believe that through this ministry change has begun to happen in the life of our church. Sign ups will take place through our Married Adult Bible Fellowship Ministry. You will not want to miss out on this very powerful experience.

I am really anxious to see how God uses these events to grow our church spiritually and numerically.

Growing Together,

Mark Rush

As you can see we have a busy month and a half ahead of us. Let's all pray that we will see people transformed through what God is going to do in our midst.

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