Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving recap

Here is my recap of Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday). To start off my parents came in town to celebrate the holiday with us. It was a great blessing having them here. We enjoyed every minute we got to spend together. Gretchen cooked like crazy and the food was awesome. I got to deep fry another turkey. I would like to say that this one was the best so far. We watched some football. Jeff, Jody and the kids came over (the stuffing was probably the best I have ever had). Rob Signs brought his Texas Fire Crackers and some desserts that were just incredible. One day someone will be able to get the secret recipes out of him. The day after thanksgiving Gretchen and Jody loaded up to go shopping at 4am. I slept. I had to take dad and mom to the airport. We did some things around the house then we went to the REV/Norco game. Saturday was putting up the Christmas lights outside (I have to quit adding things) and doing some chores. In the midst of that I took a break to take the girls (each with a friend) to see a movie of their choice. Me, Malory and her friend went to see Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium. It was absolutely an awesome movie. I would highly recommend it. All of this put together made this Thanksgiving a GREAT one!!

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